Monday, February 23, 2009

Reminder - Mentoring Exercise in Madison

Hi All -
Since everyone is thinking about the conference and registering right now I just want to encourage everyone to let me know if you are interested in the mentoring exercise that we are planning for the Madison meeting. Please send me an e-mail ( if you haven't already, and are interested or would like to know more. I would also like to suggest that you to encourage your students, advisors, and coworkers to participate. Also, please encourage your male colleagues if they are interested in participating. While this is a section for Women in Wetlands, we would like to encourage the mentoring process for males as well, since many have the opportunity to supervise or advise female students, post-docs, and employees.
Looking forward to Madison,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reminding everyone about the mentoring exercise. This exercise will kick off the WiW mentoring program.

    We'd like to get more people involved in this effort (mentors and mentorees) and also hear your ideas about how to promote women in wetland science.
