Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Female Scientist Adventures

Do you like to write stories or keep a journal that describes your travel experiences as a scientist or student of science?  Or perhaps you just like to read about other people's adventures, discoveries, or wrong turns.  

I've set up another blog site where readers can post stories about their experiences doing fieldwork or labwork, interacting with colleagues, attending conferences, or whatever topic you’re inspired to write about.

Anyone may submit something for posting. Submissions may be serious or funny, introspective or irreverent, long or short, fact or fiction, narratives or photo essays, or even video, but focused on providing insight into what it’s like to be a scientist from a female perspective. I'm hoping people will be creative and contribute a variety of topics and media.  You can submit anonymously, under a pseudonym, or with your real name.

I have posted a few stories to get things going.

Photo: May Theilgaard with Henry Chandler Cowles (Library of Congress American Environmental Photographs 1891-1923)

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