Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ideas Worth Spreading

This is the last post in the series on giving presentations.  I could provide more suggestions about how to deliver an outstanding talk, but the best way to learn is to watch outstanding speakers and study what they do.  If you've never heard of the TED talks, I encourage you to take a look at them (www.ted.com).  TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design and is a small non-profit devoted to "ideas worth spreading".  They host an annual conference at which scientists, designers, artists, entertainers, and others deliver fascinating presentations.  Some speakers, such as Al Gore, Jane Goodall, and James Cameron, are well-known, whereas others are less known.

Below is an example of a talk called "Radical Women, Embracing Tradition" by Kavita Ramdas.

1 comment:

  1. awesome talk. it definitely is about the little uncompromises of humanity and the 'heat from the bottom' of everyday situations that causes a shift of view. being radical can be dividing up housework equally among partners, or not yielding to more paperpushing service tasks as a female faculty member.
